The world kindergarten means "garden of children" a beautiful metaphor for what happens there. Children growing like flowers and plants, nutured by positive environment with good soil. rain and sun as well an attentive gardener.
Here we are FOCUS ACADEMY started our journey in the year 2020 - 2021 with the small bunch of flowers in our garden. We build strong educational foundations for young minds which is personally rewarding.
Our Teacher builds strong educational foundations for young minds, which is personally rewarding. Our school teaching position entail teaching everything from finger painting and addition to physical fitness and music and beyond. We concentrate to learn and practice
the essential social, emotional problem solving, and study skills that they will use throughout their schooling. The development of self-esteem is one of the important goals of kindergarten.
A Year in FOCUS ACADEMY provides your child with the opportunity to learn patience as well as the ability to take, share and listen other's social and emotional learning skills that they will use through his/her school year and beyond.